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ATA Teacher Leader Superheroes

September 22, 2015
Nicole French-Gillies, Language arts and social studies teacher at the Peace Academy of Virtual Education in Spirit River

Teachers from all across the province are involved in the work of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in various capacities. Such volunteer efforts by members is critical to the effective operation of the Association.

How long have you been teaching?

Nine years

Why did you become a teacher?

I chose teaching later in my life, for multiple reasons. Most prominent was that I wanted to make a difference in society and help impact the life of my students.

Current ATA subgroup role

President of Northern Spirit Local No. 6

What are your main responsibilities?

I work with the executive, local representatives, committee members and general members to ensure that all are represented on the provincial level.

What do you enjoy most about this work?

I love meeting the new teachers entering the profession; there is so much enthusiasm and hope.

What other roles have you held with the Association?

Local representative, local treasurer, Economic Policy Committee, Negotiating Subcommittee, local president, Election Readiness Committee and Teacher Welfare Committee.

Why do you do this work? Why is it important?

I firmly believe in the work the Association does to represent the teachers of Alberta. Together we are so much stronger and can do so much more for education in Alberta.

How (or why) did you first become involved in Association work?

I started as a local representative and there was an opening for treasurer. I was very interested in learning what the Association could do for me and my fellow teachers.

What is your favourite...


Empire of the Sun

TV show?

Modern Family


Depeche Mode


The Old Man and The Sea

Summer vacation activity?

Visiting family in B.C.

Travel destination?

Isla Mujeres

Article of clothing?

They are all fabulous.

What superpower would you most like to have?

To fly, because I could see the world from a different perspective and travel wherever my heart desires!

What fictional character would you most like to meet?

Sam Beckett from (television show) Quantum Leap. The reason I chose him is that he was able to travel through space and time to meet incredible historic figures, and even be some of those people and learn what it was like to walk a mile in their shoes.

What was your first car?

1977 Toyota Corolla

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